How do we compare?

Send us your horror stories

There are over 30 companies providing catering orders for delivery. But, only one of them pays like we do, because we treat you as a fleet owner and not as a driver.

When You're A Driver

You're delivering on behalf of a company with a price that THEY set, not what was given to them by the platform. There's a delivery commission and a tip floor. How do you know if you got paid in full? You don't.


  • Zero transparency for tips.
  • Very few dollars for gas, mileage, etc.
  • Micromanaged by the fleet to ensure you do your job.

When You're A MicroDSP

Most Profitable

MicroDSP is just another word for fleet owner, but in this case, you're a fleet owner of one - and eligible for the same contract pricing the other fleets have been getting.


  • See the contract; get paid the full tip.
  • There's a delivery commission, too? Bingo! It's in the contract.
  • Delivered within the 10 minute window? Job well done! Free gas!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don't like being a MicroDSP?

Quit. Go back to just driving. But you'll feel the burn when you see what the other fleets are paying and you know it's going into their pocket and not yours.

Will I need anything special?

For catering, yes. Catering bags and a dolly or trolley. We can ship them to you, but you can get nice ones from Restaurant Depot just as easily. Or Amazon.

If you're delivering alcohol, you'll need to be of age and complete a server training. For life sciences / medical, you need to have HIPAA certifications.

How long does delivery take?

Catering deliveries are usually about 30 minutes to complete, but sometimes they go faster and sometimes, they take longer. If it's longer, we'll cover your waiting time and we'll also cover excess mileage.

This is really contract pricing?

You'll see the relevant pieces of the contract that show you what gets paid to the provider. You might be a little upset if you think back on deliveries you've done, knowing that so much was going into the fleet owners pocket. But, we ask that you don't harass them as they are only doing their own jobs.

Do you have a lot of drivers?

No. We keep the number of drivers down to a reasonable level so that you have an opportunity to make more money. We don't need 10,000 drivers for 5,000 orders; we need 500 really good drivers to take 10,000 orders. If you want low ratio of dollars to orders, drive for the big guys.

Who is behind Lucille?

A longtime advocate for independent delivery fleets, Andrew Simmons built this to open the field to help drivers become more than just drivers for other fleets. This is YOUR opportunity, and no one to date has provided this level of transparency in the logistics space.

Be Different.

© Lucille, Inc. All rights reserved. Call us at (650) 955-6078.